
Saïd Benyoucef - Dr. Karim Djebara
Adam Paolozza - Mohamed Bouazizi
Stéphane Brulotte - Playwright
John Van Burek - Translator
Majdi Bou-Matar - Director
Ric Knowles - Dramaturge
Teresa Przybylski - Set and Costume Designer
Jennifer Lennon - Lighting Designer
Daniel Morphy - Soundscape
Sarah O'Brien - Stage Manager
Remington North - Production Manager
Hallie Seline - Promotional Trailer & Video Artist
Photo by Brian McNally

Besbouss: Autopsy of a Revolt runs Nov 7 - 20, 2019. Photos of Saïd Benyoucef as Dr. Karim Djebara and Adam Paolozza as Mohamed Bouazizi, are by Cylla von Tiedemann.

Besbouss: Autopsy of a Revolt runs Nov 7 - 20, 2019. Photos of Saïd Benyoucef as Dr. Karim Djebara and Adam Paolozza as Mohamed Bouazizi, are by Cylla von Tiedemann.

Pleiades Theatre in association with Crow’s Theatre Presents
"Besbouss: Autopsy of a Revolt"
English-language World Premiere
of a play inspired by events that sparked the Arab Spring
The English-language premiere of a story inspired by the headlines, a world away. On Friday December 17, 2010, a fruit vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi ignites a fire that will burn its way across the Arab world. A fictional account written by Stéphane Brulotte gives Karim, a forensic pathologist, the task of performing an autopsy on his body as protests erupt throughout Tunisia and beyond. Charged with clearing the Tunisian government of any blame in his death, the doctor must reconcile his own safety, the future of his country, and the dignity of a young man that sparked the Arab Spring.
Thu Nov 07, 2019 – 7:30pm PREVIEW
Fri Nov 08, 2019 – 7:30pm OPENING NIGHT
Sat Nov 09, 2019 – 2:00pm
Sat Nov 09, 2019 – 7:30pm
Sun Nov 10, 2019 – 2:00pm
Tue Nov 12, 2019 – 7:30pm PANEL CONVERSATION
Wed Nov 13, 2019 – 2:00pm
Wed Nov 13, 2019 – 7:30pm
Thu Nov 14, 2019 – 7:30pm
Fri Nov 15, 2019 – 7:30pm
Sat Nov 16, 2019 – 2:00pm
Sat Nov 16, 2019 – 7:30pm
Sun Nov 17, 2019 – 2:00pm
Tue Nov 19, 2019 – 7:30pm PANEL CONVERSATION
Wed Nov 20, 2019 – 2:00pm
Wed Nov 20, 2019 – 7:30pm CLOSING NIGHT
The McLean Foundation
The Norman & Margaret Jewison Foundation
The Catherine & Maxwell Meighen Foundation
Tuesday, November 12 & & 19
Pleiades Theatre Associate Producer
Inspired by the themes explored in Besbouss, Pleiades Theatre Associate Producer James Graham facilitates a post-show panel on the legacy of the Arab Spring through cultural and political perspectives and with particular attention to its impact on the Arab diaspora here in Canada.
On Tuesday, November 12, the conversation is entitled "Cultural Expressions of Arab Identity in Canada: The impact of the Arab Spring on Middle Eastern cultures and on Arab artists and activists in Canada," with panelists Dr. Walid El Khachab, Makram Ayache, Reem Morsi and Wafa Al Zaghal.
On Tuesday, November 19, the conversation is entitled "The Legacy of the Arab Spring in Canada and Internationally: Exploring the successes and failures of the Arab Spring, its impact on Canada and the formation of Arab political identity in Canada," with panelists Dr. Miloud Chennoufi, May Tartoussy and Raja Khouri.
ADMISSION: the post-show panel conversation is free to attend, with the purchase of a ticket to Besbouss on Nov 19, 7:30pm.
Dr. Miloud Chennoufi is a professor of international relations and the geopolitical history of the Middle-East at the Canadian Forces College (Toronto). He is also a senior fellow at Glendon College (York University) where he teaches a graduate course on diplomacy and negotiations. He is the author of "Great Powers and slamism" published in French as "Grandes puissances et islamisme." Before moving to Canada in 1997, he was a journalist in his native Algeria.
May Tartoussy has over 7 years of experience in Marketing and Communications, she was a Brand Manager at Dubai Industrial City. May Immigrated to Canada in 2010 due to the financial crisis in 2008. As Canada received waves of Syrian refugees, May like many Syrians living in Toronto was compelled to volunteer with the newcomer families and their sponsors. Inclusion and Economic empowerment became her focus. Through her work at Canadian Arab Institute she had the opportunity to work closely with youth through the institute’s mentorship program with the objective of empowering the newcomers and youth through professional development and mentorship. Currently, May is serving as a Bilingual Settlement Worker at Peel Multicultural Council, helping dozens of newcomer families from Syria, Egypt and Iraq every day. She helps them navigate their settlement process in the hope of successful and smooth integration into their new home. May is also an Access and Equity Champion Ambassador by OCASI where she actively is engaged in her community, working for the inclusion and human rights of LGBTQ+ and people with disabilities.
Raja G. Khouri is a seasoned professional and recognized leader in social innovation, race relations, advocacy, human rights and inclusion. CEO at Khouri Conversations, he was founding president of the Canadian Arab Institute and a ten-year commissioner with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. He is Canada Committee member of Human Rights Watch and co-founder of the Canadian Arab/Jewish Leadership Dialogue Group. Raja is known as a bridge-builder and has served on several governmental and civil society bodies, including as president of the Canadian Arab Federation. He is the author of Arabs in Canada: Post 9/11.
Laurie Murphy created an interactive marketing strategy for the production, utilizing print, broadcast, online and signage to connect with Toronto theatre audiences through media, and community partners. The media is welcome to contact Pleiades Theatre for access to hi-res images at Email
Visual Creative designed the show's poster, ads and program of Besbouss: Autopsy of a Revolt. Photo Saïd Benyoucef is by Rami Schandall, Visual Creative.
Community Partner
Pleiades Theatre acknowledges the generous support of our community partner.
The Festival of Arabic Music and Arts' curated exhibition, "Gallery of Hope," features the artwork of eight artists, and will be on display in the Streetcar Crowsnest lobby throughout the run, free to the public.
Pleiades Theatre engaged Video Artist Hallie Seline to record and produce two videos promoting Besbouss and its artists:
Pleiades Theatre engaged Cylla von Tiedemann to photograph Besbouss.
Photo Credit Besbouss: Autopsy of a Revolt's
Saïd Benyoucef as Dr. Karim Djebara & Adam Paolozza as Mohamed Bouazizi, Nov 7-20, 2019 presented by Pleiades Theatre & Crow's Theatre at Streetcar Crowsnest, Toronto.
Photos by Cylla von Tiedemann
SHOW DATES - Nov 7 - Nov 20, 2019
VENUE - Guloien Theatre
Streetcar Crowsnest
345 Carlaw Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4M 2T1
Online: Crow's Theatre Website
In Person: Crow’s Theatre Box Office
By Phone: (647) 341-7390 ext. 1010
By Email:
Reviewers are attending Besbouss, Nov 8, 2019 onward. Please check here for links to reviews:
Mooney on Theatre NOW Magazine Toronto Star Slotkin Letter Stage Door